Evil Stepmother

Writing is one of my greatest loves, and during the pandemic, I craved new therapeutic route. This blog became a record of my mental health experiences, as well as a space to turn my struggles into content. To get readers to focus on the writing, I intentionally kept the site's design extremely simple. Tested out my skill in hiding secret meanings in the pictures too.

  • Full stack creator and author

  • Concept — Brand naming — Visual strategy — Visual design — Creative writing — Photography


To clear my busy mind was the intent.

Minimalistic theme held space, as in the meditative state. So decluttered and pure.

Creative process


Since this name was also my personal Instagram handle, naming the blog wasn't too difficult. Inspired by a well-known Lithuanian poem "Grandmother's Fairytale," the Evil Stepmother (Pamotė Pikta) was a perfect fit for the persona I created.

Visual direction

Imagined as a signature, the logo is my revamped handwriting. The two T's compose a cross, expressing my dark soul and gothic fashion, haha. I customized the website builder's most minimalistic template for the blog's design.


All the graphics for the posts had to be kept simple since everything around them was so minimalistic too. Whatever was portrayed just had to have a secret meaning and look like 3D render of a peaceful mind. And be linked to text, of course.

Content strategy

I intended to have an original voice in my writing. Went with my heart while picking subjects and sharing stories, using a lot of jargon, and being authentic. All the pieces fit together just as they did in my own head since I chose to be sincere and open.

The whole concept had the purpose of being a safe space for my mind to decompress and let it go. Besides, I brought my love of minimalist design to blogging because it's something I really like in everyday reality. Minimalism, still, had a deeper impact: providing a place of peace for my racing thoughts. Finding and embracing my authenticity was really important to me, it would have felt like a personal letdown if I didn't. I also wanted to show those around me that it is normal to have a racing mind. And that there are tools that help.



