BA329® manifesto

Spending some time working for this outstanding design studio, I drafted them a manifesto. It was my objective to align the branding strategy with their specific goal of keeping manifesto short and truthful. The copy that came out in the end is shown below.

  • Copywriter

  • Strategic research — Copywriting

We believe in the power of good design to solve problems. Expertise, client-centric approach, and focus on the end user are at our core. Since we're human, we are also wise and honest. Transparent — at all times.


We're straightforward and reliable.
We value trust, quality and partnership.


We create high quality and human-centered digital design.
We work in a trusted partnership.
Teaming up with us is simple. You trust us = we trust you. You know your industry, we love design. The best — your customer will benefit the most.


We're grounded, yet as an artists, we believe: a good design can save the world. We envision a place where design empowers human experiences.
We're happy to be a boutique studio and create solutions that serve our clients just right. No thirst for domination.

